"Then I heard the number of those who were sealed: 144,000 from all the tribes of Israel." (Rev 7:4)

The Kingdom of God that appeared in each era was the 12 tribes.
Jesus, who came to the land of Judah, also overcame the world (Jn 16:33; Mt 4; Lk 4) and created the 12 tribes of the spiritual Israel through the 12 disciples. The 12 tribes that appeared in both the Old Testament and the first coming of Jesus, appear again at the second coming – the time of Revelation.
In Relevation 7, it is written that at the time of haRevest, 144,000 people will be haRevested and sealed with the word. The place where these 144,000 people are sealed is Mount Zion of Revelation14, and is referred to as the first fruits (Jas 1:18). This group of people is the 12 tribes created by receiving God’s seal.
God’s new kingdom, the new spiritual Israel, Shincheonji is formed of the 12 tribes. These 12 Tribes of God did not exist prior to today, and it is a new work of creation. It is the one and only kingdom and temple of God on this earth.
The 12 Tribes are established using the names of the 12 tribes of the Old Testament and the names of
Jesus’ disciples. It is said that in the last days, if one does not take part in any of these tribes, one cannot become a part of God’s Kingdom and become His people. Hence, the 12 Tribes of Shincheonji is actively working to announce the kingdom and heal all nations simultaneously.
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